
Join the fight to save
sight in our children.

Watch Dr. Bruce Moore and his students screen
school-age children with the Welch Allyn Spot Vision Screener at Boston Public School's 2016 Countdown to Kindergarten event.


Did You Know?

Explore our factsheets for more information on vision disorders in Children.

Evidence Based Content 

How can we help you transform care? Examine the possibilities with these educational and evidence-based resources.

Evaluation of the Spot Vision Screener in Young Children

Dive deeper to determine the effectiveness of the Spot Vision Screener in detecting amblyogenic risk factors in young children in Costa Rica. 

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Performance of the Spot Vision Screener in Children younger than 3 years of age

Read this study to learn more about the effectiveness of the Spot Vision Screener in detecting amblyopic risk factors in children aged 6 months to 3 years.

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Use of the Spot Vision Screener For Patients With Developmental Disability

Explore this study to determine the effectiveness of the Spot Vision Screener in detecting amblyopic risk factors in children with developmental disabilities.

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Progression of Myopia in Children During COVID-19

See how home confinement impacts refractive changes and the prevalence of myopia in school-aged children.

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Jaxson's Story: The Importance of Vision Screening in Preschool-age Children

Jaxson's Story features a young child who suffers from a degenerative eye disease and discusses how new automated vision screening technology used in his preschool helped detect an issue leading to follow-up care and treatment to help save his sight.


Popular Reads

How do our products and services positively affect outcomes? Read the results here.

Together, with the dedication of primary care physicians, school nurses and volunteers like you, we can win the fight to prevent vision loss in children. We’re ready to help.



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Interested in Saving Sight in Children?

Fill out the form to learn more or schedule your FREE demo of the Spot Vision Screener.


  1. Rupert Bourne - Vision Loss Expert Group, Resnikoff, S., & IAPB, P. A. (2020). GBVI - Regional Estimates of Distance-Vision Loss • IAPB Vision Atlas. Retrieved from
  2. Children’s Eye Foundation.

A reference to any product on this site does not imply that such product is or will be available in your location. Please contact your authorized country representative for specific product availability in your country. 

*Always Read Labels and Instructions for Use. Contact your Hillrom Representative for the latest version.